Award Notification

You are notified of your financial aid awards under the My Finances section in CalCentral. If you are a newly admitted student, you will be able to access your financial aid awards the same day you are notified of your admission.

View Awards and Tasks in CalCentral

You can access CalCentral using your CalNet ID or by logging into your MAP@berkeley account.

Your financial aid offer includes all forms of federal, state, and institutional financial aid you may be eligible for. The type(s) and amounts of awards offered are based on the information submitted on your FAFSA or Dream Act Application for the academic year, in addition to any documents submitted to the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office (if selected for verification).

On CalCentral, you can:

  • Check if your financial aid file is complete, and if not, learn what documents you need to submit to complete your financial aid file.
  • Access the most up-to-date view of your financial aid awards and billing.
  • Read important messages about your financial aid awards.
  • Accept or reduce your offered loans and work-study.
  • Report additional resources that you expect to receive, including scholarships from outside sources, such as the California Alumni Association, the Graduate Division, or scholarships you bring in from outside donors.
  • Convert money between need-based loans and work-study awards.
  • Make updates to your housing status to estimate Cost of Attendance and award changes.
  • Apply for a short-term emergency loan.
  • Delegate CalCentral access to a parent, spouse or third-party of your choice to view your financial aid information.

Note: Keep in mind that the financial aid you have been offered can change for a number of reasons. For example, outside resources must be taken into account when determining your eligibility for aid and your aid package may be adjusted as a result. Please review Adjustments to Your Offer for more information.


Disclosure: UC Berkeley reserves the right to adjust awards to correct any awarding errors. Changes to qualifying information or revisions of federal, state, or institutional programs or policies may result in updates to aid eligibility and adjustments of financial aid awards. Information is subject to change.


Learn More About My Finances on CalCentral

You can view your financial aid awards, billing, and other information in the My Finances section of CalCentral. We strongly encourage you to review your Communications and Tasks under My Finances to ensure your financial aid file is complete.