Summer Aid

Summer Financial Aid is available to eligible admitted UC Berkeley students enrolled in summer session.

What’s Required to be Eligible?

  • Submit a 2024-25 FAFSA or California Dream Act application by June 1, 2025
  • Enroll in a minimum of 6 units for summer in any combination of sessions.
  • Be a continuing or admitted UC Berkeley Undergraduate or Graduate student who meets the following criteria:
    • Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements*; AND
    • Have a complete financial aid file for the 2024-25 year prior to June 30, 2025; AND
    • Verify that you are participating in each of your courses**
    • You must also:
      • Be an active and enrolled student in the spring semester who has not been dismissed; OR
      • Be returning Undergraduate or Graduate student who has been re-admitted to the upcoming fall semester and is meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements; OR
      • Be a graduating senior who is completing degree requirements during Summer session***.

*SAP for Summer 2025 is included as part of the 2025-26 Academic Year (Summer 2025, Fall 2025, Spring 2026). SAP will be measured after the Spring 2025 term, and will determine aid eligibility for Summer 2025.

**Around the start of classes, you will receive a direct email with a link to the assignment to confirm your participation. Click here to learn how to complete the assignment.

***Students that have completed all of their degree and major requirements prior to summer are NOT eligible for summer aid.

What’s the Process?

For continuing students enrolled in a minimum of 6 units, there is no separate application needed to apply for summer financial aid and Summer awarding will begin in late March. You can view and accept/decline your summer awards in CalCentral once awarding begins.

For newly admitted Fall students, you must have a complete FAFSA or California Dream Application for the prior year (aid year 2024-25) on file and be enrolled in 6 or more Summer Session units. Once awarding begins, you can view and accept/decline your summer awards in Cal Central.

Summer financial aid awards are disbursed no earlier than 10 days before the start of your first session.

The deadline to accept summer student loans is 2 weeks before your session ends and no later than July 25.

Estimate Your Aid

Not sure if summer is right for you? Estimate your cost and financial aid for Summer Sessions, Summer Abroad, or Global Internships. Log into Cal Central, go to My Finances, navigate to the Financial Resources area on the right side of the page. Scroll down to the Summer Sessions heading and click on Summer Cost and Aid Estimator

Summer Cost and Aid Estimator will only estimate awards for students who are graduating before Summer and who have a FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application on file. If you are interested in receiving financial aid for Summer Sessions, first be sure that your graduation term is up to date and that you have completed a FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application.

Received Summer Aid, but are Dropping, Canceling, or Failing* a Course?

Dropping a course may result in your financial aid awards being revised. Awards are based on total Summer units enrolled and the duration of summer instruction. Therefore, dropping a course may cause an adjustment to your summer financial aid package.

Canceling a course may result in you being billed for a portion or all of your summer financial aid.

If you drop/cancel below 6 units, your aid may be canceled. Students must be enrolled in at least 6 units to receive and maintain eligibility for financial aid.

*Failing or not passing summer courses due to non-attendance may result in you being billed for a portion or all of your summer financial aid.

NOTE: Your financial aid package is revised any time there is a change in your enrollment status during Summer Session. Please review the withdrawal information for details on how an enrollment change may affect your aid.

Know The Dates, Beat The Deadlines

April 1 Summer Intercampus Financial Aid Application and Summer Child Care Expense Appeal are available through the Berkeley Student Forms page.
May 26 First day to apply for an Emergency Loan for summer.
June 1 Priority deadline for ALL STUDENTS to submit a 2024-25 FAFSA or California Dream Application to be considered for summer financial aid. This ensures that your FAFSA or Dream Act Application will be processed before applications can no longer be submitted for the aid year.
June 13 Students in Session A Only: Priority deadline to accept all loans, submit a Federal Direct PLUS Loan request and/ or complete any Subsidized or Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan Master Promissory Note or Entrance Counseling form to ensure disbursement before Summer Session A ends.
June 27 Deadline to submit a Summer Intercampus Financial Aid Application. *If your specific Summer Intercampus session ends prior to June 27, the Intercampus Application must be submitted at least two weeks prior to your session end date to ensure processing.
June 30 Last day to submit or make corrections to a 2024-25 FAFSA or California Dream Act Application. You will be unable to apply for summer aid after June 30th.
July 18 Summer Census Date – Courses that are added and/or dropped up until and including this date will impact aid eligibility. If you are receiving Summer financial aid, contact Cal Student Central for advising before making adjustments to your Summer schedule.  
July 25

Priority deadline to accept all loans, submit a Federal Direct PLUS Loan request and/ or complete any Subsidized or Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan Master Promissory Note or Entrance Counseling form for any sessions ending August 15, 2025 to ensure disbursement before the end of the session.​

August 15

Last day to apply for an Emergency Loan for summer.

Summer Aid Frequently Asked Questions

The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office is here to help you with your summer aid questions! Check out some frequently asked questions to help you in determining if you are eligible for summer aid.