Health Professions Student Loan

The Health Professions Student Loan (HPSL) is a subsidized loan limited to Optometry graduate students at the UC Berkeley campus. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year to be considered for the HPSL loan. Eligibility for the HPSL loan is based on parent(s) income information. UC Berkeley will collect parent(s) information from Optometry students interested in being considered for this loan.

HPSL loans are not renewed automatically every academic year. If you receive an HPSL loan one year, you must complete the FAFSA each subsequent year to be considered for the HPSL loan.

The loan servicer ECSI manages HPSL loans for UC Berkeley students. Please note annual loan amounts can vary and are determined yearly based on the availability of funds. 

The Health Resources and Services Administration provides funds for the HPSL program. The Health Professions Student Loan is not a Federal Student Loan, though HPSL Loans and Federal Student Loans can be consolidated by first contacting ECSI and then the loan servicer listed on Federal Student Aid.