California’s Investing in You
The Cal Grant program makes college affordable for middle and low-income Californians through state funds administered by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC).
Cal Grant Application
The deadline to apply is early March. Visit the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) website for more information.
How to Apply
- Complete either the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application
- Complete a GPA Verification Form*
For more information about who should complete the GPA Verification Form, please visit the section “More About the GPA Verification Process” in Berkeley’s Cal Grant Frequently Asked Questions link.
Eligibility Requirements
If you are a California resident, a California high school graduate or equivalent, and meet the Cal Grant eligibility requirements, you are guaranteed a Cal Grant award.
UC Berkeley administers the Entitlement and the Competitive Cal Grant A and Cal Grant B programs and the additional CSAC programs.
Good news! CSAC will automatically consider you for the Competitive Cal Grant program if you do not qualify for the Entitlement Cal Grant award. For more information on all of the Cal Grant programs, refer to the Cal Grant Program Comparison Chart.
Cal Grant Frequently Asked Questions
All California residents who apply for financial aid are expected to apply for a Cal Grant.
Reviewing the California Student Aid Commission’s Cal Grant Frequently Asked Questions can answer most of your questions. Explore additional information with these resources:
- More About Eligibilityadd
1. What is the minimum financial need required to be eligible for a New or Renewal Cal Grant, and how is it calculated?
Financial need for Cal Grant eligibility is the difference between your Student Budget and your Student Aid Index (SAI).
- The minimum financial need for a Cal Grant A is $14,070 (2021-2022 cohort).
- The minimum financial need for a Cal Grant A is $14,604 (2022-2023 cohort).
- The minimum financial need for a Cal Grant A is $15,252 (2023-2024 cohort).
- The minimum financial need for a Cal Grant A is $15,936 (2024-2025 cohort).
- The minimum financial need for a Cal Grant A is $16,434 (2025-2026 cohort).
- The minimum financial need for renewing a Cal Grant B award is $700
2. What are the enrollment requirements for Cal Grant A and B?
Cal Grant awards are limited to the equivalent of four years of full-time study, with some exceptions. To receive the full grant amount, you must be enrolled full-time. Your enrollment is verified at the end of the fifth week of classes. If enrolled less than full-time, your Cal Grant will be reduced based on the following schedule, and you may need to repay these funds. If you stay enrolled full-time, not only will you keep your full Cal Grant, you will make timely progress toward completing your degree.
Number of Enrolled Units Cal Grant Amount to Be Repaid 9 to 11 units 25% 6 to 8 units 50% less than half-time 100% Depending on availability, we may award a combination of institutional gift aid, loans, and work-study to offset this Cal Grant reduction.
3. I know I am eligible, but I don't see a Cal Grant award in my package.
If you are a new or renewal Cal Grant recipient, ensure you claim your award or have the correct school code listed on My Grant Info.
- If you are a new or renewal Cal Grant recipient and your financial need is less than the Cal Grant Program minimum, you won't see your Cal Grant in your package. We encourage you to review the Cost of Attendance Adjustment Request and Student Aid Index Appeal forms on our Appeals & Special Circumstances page and use them to let us know about any changed information that may increase your financial need.
- If you are a continuing student with a Cal Grant Renewal and have remaining eligibility of less than 50% for a full semester, Berkeley will determine your eligibility and post a partial Cal Grant award into CalCentral.
- Your FAFSA or Cal Dream Act may state that you already have a bachelor’s degree. You can check and correct this online on your FAFSA or Dream Application.
4. I received a Cal Grant, but my other grants were reduced. Why?
Berkeley works carefully with its limited grant dollars to support as many students as possible. We do this in part by setting a maximum institutional gift aid eligibility for each student that a combination of institutional, federal, and state grant resources may meet. Your eligibility for institutional grants will change if you receive the Cal Grant.
5. Is there anyone who shouldn't apply?
Not really. If you don't apply and we determine you would have been eligible, replacement grant funds may not be available.
Unless you are absolutely certain that your citizenship status, state residency status, financial status, or prior bachelor's degree make you ineligible for the Cal Grant, and there is little chance of any of this information changing during the academic year, we encourage you to apply.
6. I applied for a Cal Grant last year, but CSAC denied me. Why should I bother again this year?
You should apply every year to maximize your grant opportunities.
- CSAC's income criteria and cut-offs change from year to year. Students who were ineligible for one year may be eligible the next year.
- Family circumstances can change suddenly for reasons such as loss of employment or illness. Even if you are financially ineligible now, it may be possible to award you a Cal Grant if something unfortunate occurs that changes your eligibility during the year.
- Students who apply properly but are denied receive priority consideration for replacement institutional grants if they have financial need.
- Students who are not eligible for Cal Grant fee awards may still be eligible for the Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan. One of the requirements for being awarded the Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan is that a student must have applied for a Cal Grant.
- More About the GPA Verification Processadd
The GPA Verification Form is a critical piece of your application for the Cal Grant and is required if you have not received a Cal Grant.
The form is available online and at local high schools and colleges. The Registrar of your certifying school must complete and send it to CSAC by the California State deadline. Review exact dates on the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) website.
1. Which is my certifying school?
Current high school seniors and college (including UC Berkeley) freshmen:
Even if you are a freshman in college attending Berkeley, verification of your high school GPA is required. Your certifying school is your high school, so you'll need to submit the GPA Verification Form or the Cal Grant GPA Information Release Form to your high school.
UC Berkeley Sophomores and Juniors:
Berkeley is your certifying school and will send verification of your High School GPA electronically.
All other students:
Your most recent school of attendance is your certifying school, so you'll need to ask them to complete the school section of the GPA Verification Form unless your school is already sending your GPA electronically. It is advisable to submit the GPA form to the Registrar of your certifying school by mid-February.
Use the charts below to help you identify your certifying school.Entering UC Undergraduate, California Resident Certifying School New Freshman Your High School New Transfer Your Current College Current UC Undergraduate, California Resident, Without a Paid Cal Grant Certifying School Freshman Your High School Transfer Enrolled Fall & Spring Berkeley Transfer Enrolled Spring-Only Your Former College REMEMBER! You are responsible for ensuring your financial aid application and GPA Verification are submitted to CSAC by the California State priority deadline. visit the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) for up to date information.
2. How can I confirm that Berkeley sent my GPA automatically?
Contact the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office in mid-February. A staff member will confirm whether or not you are on the list that was sent to CSAC.
3. I have a Cal Grant; do I need to submit a GPA Verification Form?
You don't have to file a GPA Verification Form if you had a paid Cal Grant in 2024-2025.
- Paymentadd
UC Berkeley applies your Cal Grant A and Cal Grant B Tuition/Fee awards directly to Tuition/Fee charges on your student billing account in CalCentral.
NOTE: Cal Grant B Access Grant 2024–25 Recipients
Your Access Grant (formerly Cal Grant B Stipend) will automatically apply to your student account balance. You have the option to have your award refunded to you and not applied to your account balance; to request this, download the Cal_Grant_B_Payment_Auth and submit it to the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office by the following deadlines:
- Fall Disbursement: August 1
- Spring Disbursement: January 2
Please Note: if we do not receive the Cal Grant B Access Payment Authorization form in our office by the due date(s) noted above, your request cannot be processed. You have the right to rescind the authorization up to the deadline date.
You can monitor the Cal Grant payment status by logging into CalCentral.
The Financial Aid Communications sections on the My Finances page of your CalCentral account will tell you about any issues that may delay your Cal Grant payment. If you have any questions about what you find there, be sure to open a case to let us know! Be sure to review these pages regularly.
You can also monitor the payment of your grant by reviewing your CalCentral, My Finances page. Once the semester starts, you'll want to concentrate on your studies, so it's a good idea to ensure that you have taken care of your financial aid business as soon as possible.
1. What if my Cal Grant hasn't been paid by the second week of the semester?
First, check your Financial Aid Communications sections on the My Finances page of your CalCentral account and take care of any outstanding issues.
Second, confirm that you have completed all CSAC requirements by checking your Cal Grant status at WebGrants 4 Students. Take care of any outstanding issues you find.
Review the list below for more information about why your Cal Grant may not have been paid. If you confirm that everything is taken care of and your grant still has not been paid, please let us know by opening a case.
- There is a Cal Grant program mismatch between CSAC and Berkeley records (for example, CSAC awarded a Cal Grant B based on your initial FAFSA or Dream Application, but according to your latest FAFSA or Dream Application updates or corrections, Berkeley has determined you are eligible for Cal Grant A). Berkeley will determine final eligibility and notify CSAC to correct their records. When CSAC and Berkeley records match, your Cal Grant will pay as long as you meet all other eligibility requirements.
- If you are an entering transfer student from a community college, your Cal Grant award may be on hold because CSAC determined you are ineligible due to processing your G-6 (Transfer Entitlement Verification Form). Berkeley will soon replace your Cal Grant up to your maximum Gift Aid Eligibility (depending on availability), and any remaining difference will be awarded as Self-Help.http://AB 840 verfification
- We have been asked by the California Student Aid Commission to verify your California state residency status when you graduated from high school (AB 840 Verification). The Berkeley Cal Grant Administrator will send you a letter and email with instructions on completing CSAC’s AB 540 verification review.
- Your Statement of Legal Residence (SLR) Form has yet to be reviewed or processed; thus, your California state residency status is still pending.
- If you know that you are not a California resident and you are not eligible for an AB 540 Waiver, and you have a Cal Grant award in your package after the second week of September for the fall semester or after the second week of February for the spring semester, please get in touch with us so that we can repackage you with other forms of financial aid.
- If you are not on the Cal Grant roster but see a Cal Grant award on Cal Central, and you received notice from CSAC that you are a Cal Grant recipient, log in to WebGrants 4 Students and request a School Change.
2. Why is my Cal Grant no longer showing up on CalCentral?
Generally, Berkeley can determine your eligibility for the Cal Grant before updating CSAC records. There are many reasons you may be determined ineligible for a previously estimated or awarded Cal Grant, which are listed below. In all cases, Berkeley has replaced the Cal Grant with a combination of institutional grant awards (up to your maximum grant eligibility) and self-help (loans and work-study).
- You are a new transfer student, and your name is not currently on the UC Berkeley Cal Grant roster, or your Cal Grant renewal is not confirmed. If your name appears on the Cal Grant roster or your Cal Grant renewal is confirmed, Berkeley will revise your financial aid package by adding the Cal Grant award and reducing any previously awarded replacement Gift Aid by the same amount.
- You no longer meet the Cal Grant eligibility criteria because of changes on your FAFSA or Dream Application made by your family or Berkeley. This can include corrections to income and assets, and family size.
- The Berkeley Residency Office classified you as a non-California resident based on information in your Statement of Legal Residence (SLR) Form.
- You are a continuing CSAC-selected student under the Transfer Entitlement track, but you are not eligible because you do not meet the new Transfer Entitlement Program requirements.
- California Dream Actadd
The California Dream Act of 2011 consists of two bills, Assembly Bill 130 (AB 130) and Assembly Bill 131 (AB 131). These bills make specific education funding available for specially qualified students who are not eligible for TIV federal student aid.
The first part of the California Dream Act, Assembly Bill 130 (AB 130), allows students exempt from paying nonresident tuition under AB 540 and ineligible for federal aid to receive scholarships from private sources.
The second part of the California Dream Act, Assembly Bill 131 (AB 131), allows students exempt from paying nonresident tuition under AB 540 who are ineligible for federal aid to receive grants and scholarships from state and University sources.
1. Am I eligible to apply for a Cal Grant under AB 131?
To be eligible for a Cal Grant under AB 131, you must qualify for an AB 540 nonresident tuition exemption and complete the AB 540 application and affidavit.
2. When and how should I apply for a Cal Grant?
Please read the sections above for information on how to apply for a Cal Grant.
3. Is there more information for eligible AB 131 students that qualify for AB540?
The California Student Aid Commission provides information about applying for a Cal Grant under AB 131 California Dream Act. Review the California Student Aid Commission AB 540 Guide for students. Another excellent resource for eligible AB 131 students that qualify for AB 540 is the UC Berkeley Undocumented Student Program.
- Cal Grant Access Awards for Students with Dependent Childrenadd
Per the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), Cal Grant recipients with dependent children attending a University of California, California State University, or California Community College campus may be eligible for an access award of up to $6,000.
Students must meet all eligibility requirements to receive the Cal Grant Access Grant. Dependent children, for example, must be under 18 years of age and receive more than 50 percent of their support from the student. Eligible students are also required to complete a self-certification process in WebGrants.
The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office must make the final eligibility determination and resolve conflicting information before disbursing funds.
Access Grants will appear in WebGrants for eligible students as follows:
- Eligible Cal Grant A recipients will see an Access Grant amount of up to $6,000
- Eligible Cal Grant B recipients will see an increased Access Grant amount of up to $6,000
Like Cal Grants for tuition, Access Grants disburse based on enrollment, and full-time enrollment is required to receive the total amount of the award. We verify enrollment at the end of the fifth week of classes and prorate awards based on actual enrollment if enrolled less than full-time (less than 12 units).
Questions & Answers:
Q: What will the self-certification process require students to do?
A: To complete the self-certification requirement, please follow these simple steps:
- Log into your WG4S account or create an account if you do not have one at California Student Aid Commission.
- Go to the Cal Grant Main Menu and select "Confirmation of Eligibility."
- Answer the question on the WG4S screen regarding your dependent children, check the appropriate box for the Student Certification, and submit.
- Your college will make the final eligibility determination for the Cal Grant.
Q: What is the maximum access grant amount for Cal Grant A recipients?
A: The maximum access grant amount is $6,000.
Q: What is the maximum access grant amount for Cal Grant B recipients?
A: The maximum access grant amount is $6,000.
Q: Will all students receive the maximum access grant amount?
A: Not necessarily. Award amounts will vary based on enrollment status (Full Time, Three-Quarter Time, or Half Time) and financial need.
Q: Will this new award be prorated based on enrollment?
A: Yes. Award amounts will be prorated, similar to how Cal Grants for tuition is prorated at the end of each semester's 5th week of enrollment.
- $6,000 Annual total access/2 semesters = $3,000 per term Full time
- $3,000 X 75% = $2,250 for Three-Quarter time enrollment
- $3,000 X 50% = $1,500 for Half-time enrollment
Q: Will a replacement grant be awarded for students who enroll less than full-time?
A: Yes, you may be awarded a replacement grant work-study and loans or a combination of these three at the end of the 5th week of classes.
Q: How will students be notified of potential eligibility?
A: Please log in to My Grant Info to see if CSAC has awarded you the SWD grant.
Note that not all students notified will be eligible until reviewed by the Financial Aid and Scholarships office.
Please note: UC Berkeley reserves the right to adjust awards to correct any awarding errors. Changes to qualifying information or revisions of federal, state, or institutional policy may result in updates to aid eligibility and adjustments of financial aid awards. Information is subject to change.